February 16, 2012

Quotes in Spanish ~ Frases en Espanol

Quotes:  To repeat, cite or refer Synonyms: citation, citing, cutting, excerpt, extract, passage, quote, recitation, reference, saying, selection

I'm fully bilingual but haven't posted much in Spanish even though it is a big influence in my life.  For example, that's were I get my love of quotes.  In Puerto Rico I grew up hearing all kinds of dichos and refranes from grandparents, uncles, friends ... everyone.  My family is Puertorican but I know other countries also have their funny sayings and proverbs.

Here are some examples of really popular ones.

En boca cerrada no entran moscas. 
No flies can enter a closed mouth.

El camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.
A sleeping shrimp will get carried away by the current.

Then there were colmos = funny ironies (no one should wonder why I'm so sarcastic ;)

¿Cuál es el colmo de un oso panda?
Que le tomen fotos a color, y que salgan en blanco y negro.

¿Cuál es el colmo de un ciego?
Que se llame Casimiro Buenavista.

And here are some quotes for bilingual quote lovers.

My Pinterest Board with Spanish phrases, quotes & proverbs.

Do you have any bilingual Pinterest Boards?

Synonyms: citation, citing, cutting, excerpt, extract, passage, quote, recitation, reference, saying, selection

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What beautiful quotes, Letty. Me gustan todos! Pero mi favorito is the one con el camaroncito. : ))))

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